From the battlefields of Europe to the struggles for freedom in Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas, FINAL traces the runs of youngsters outplaying supremacy and the rise of football in the 20th century, which one former goalkeeper and member of the French Resistance aptly labeled 'the century of fear.'
In all corners of the world,
children seek an exit strategy
from man-made poverty
An immersive documentary on the Millennium Development Goals
produced by Moritz Brandi
The attacks on indigenous rights and habitats are worldwide. The street art RESTRICTED - created for the cultural survival and protection of the rights of the indigenous people of Australia and Native Title - was written and produced by Vive.
How are the spaces we inhabit related to our histories, our debates and self-reflection, our pragmatic needs? How does our understanding relate to many of the world's most pressing development and sustainability challenges? Urban Roots, an architectural design for Pier 40 on the Hudson River, was conceived to celebrate the history of NYC as point of multi-ethnic arrival, making intangible culture accessible and engaging, transforming heritage into vital experiences and concern into commitment.
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